Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cramping On Right Side, Pms?


Feliz Año Nuevo antiguo ruso Tonight in Russia is a festival, the name of which sounds pretty weird - old New Year. Is that before the 1917 Russian revolution lived according to the Julian calendar that had about 13 days apart with the Julian who already used other European countries. The situation changed after 1918, when the revolutionary government in Russia also introduced the Gregorian calendar. Thus, all parties moved to other days and our country began to celebrate the New Year with everyone. However, many people continued to celebrate this event the second time the night of 13-14 January, according to the old schedule, as were used before. This tradition lives on to this and is called the Old New Year.

Thus the current cycle of year-end parties in Russia is the longest in Europe, starts on 25 December with the Catholic Christmas, many people celebrated as a secular party and a sort of prologue to major holidays. Then come the New Year, Orthodox Christmas (celebrated on January 7, because the Russian Orthodox Church until now still using the Gregorian calendar) and finally, the old New Year night of 13-14 January. In the end the Russians and tired of so many parties, so much food, drink and looked so desired inpaciencia arrival of a peaceful everyday life, working day and no celebrations:) However

tonight across the country will provide the second time by the arrival of 2009. Happy New Year Old!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Marvel Legends Deadpool 2010

Felco Political Declaration Theatre.

In its previous editions, Felco, through its meetings and documents, has expressed his reasons, ideas and positions on political and social reality in which we live, work and express ourselves.
These assemblies characterized this period as marked by the exhaustion of a social system: capitalism.
Today, at the time of the first edition of the Festival which includes an assembly of theater, see it as a success that characterization.

crisis The international financial crisis is proof of this. The accumulation of fictitious capital, product and business speculations based on the reproduction of capital as the sole reason of social organization has exploded on itself. Is not a matter of business failure or mismanagement of "errors" committed by incompetent. It is the result the final decline of a system. I could not otherwise account for the speed and virulence that has spread around the world, crumbling Stock Exchanges, bankrupt banks and insurers, or demolishing the building of financial capital.

It is not just an economic problem.
Attempts by European states, Asia and North America to rescue from bankruptcy to financial giants, injecting astronomical sums of money, give land to the basic laws of known neo-liberalism according to which the market's invisible hand regulating its own operation . The fact that even in this way have failed to halt the fall in stock prices and international raw material shows its total impotence and a stage of political crisis within the first world. This type of rescue
also show the character of government policy. Facing a world in which millions of people suffer daily the consequences of the system through starvation, lack of basic services such as housing, education and health, the money is used to save banks and businesses. The regime has no answers, or purchase outputs possible for humanity as a whole. For the people only offers greater suffering, massive layoffs, pillaging wars, impoverishment and barbarism. The inexorable nature of this collapse is immense and irreversible is within his own laws.

against barbarism, the unity of the exploited for socialism
These facts put us face the fact redouble efforts to build together, the exploited workers of the world, a new social organization. Of course, this will be the product of voluntarism nor will peacefully hand in hand with the fall of capitalism. The great task that the situation put workers ahead will be to fight for political independence, without mincing words or wishful thinking. The options have failed, leftists and center throughout the world, the bourgeois nationalism of content every day shows its limitations as well as insurmountable its class character, in "outputs" that tries crisis in Latin America. Fail rapidly all the recipes are not intended to revolutionize the organization of society.

artists, the crisis and the Teatro de Buenos Aires Felco
and defend the independence of the working class to fight for essential conceive of art. Even

artists committed to the representation of people's struggles are not exempt from the pressures of state capture, nor the market ruled by the whims of the sensitivity of the consumer society. The defense of our autonomy and independence in the expression art will be given in our ability to engage the general movement of the working class.
The Felco intends to transcend the nature of the event, a festival "cultural" to tend to be thought of as an alternative nuclear organization to the playwrights committed to the struggle of the exploited for emancipation, while recognized as artists, members of those classes exploited. Even
embryonic development is relevant to reflect on the nature of their constitution. The formation of a more permanent type of post-nucleation of these days of November could be the starting point for developing a struggle against the State by requiring the funds needed for independent development, dissemination, for arts education, in short, to ensure access to art and culture of the exploited.
As for the debate of the ways we are in favor of a formal search freely. Art is a profound expression of the subject and its expression should not ever be severed. Capitalism is the greatest oppressor of freedom of art, while the division of labor between mental and manual labor minus the possibility of development of artistic expression to a vast majority of the exploited.

Under these conditions, no artist can be truly free while no exploited, fully taxable.

is in this sense that pose the greatest challenge for artists is the struggle for independence, and turn this fight should merge with the struggle of the working class for emancipation.
is our commitment to the theater Felco contribute to this task.

Voted unanimously in the assembly, Buenos Aires, November 29, 2008

The theater and its claims Felco

Our business as theater, not being spun off from social reality, is not without the problems besetting the whole of the world's population. Economic and ideological domination exercised the political power, globally and particularly on the working classes, is our greatest enemy.
The fact that access to artistic expression is restricted to the vast majority of the population, either as producer or as a spectator, is a means of controlling the consciousness of individuals. The destruction of art schools, lack of incentives for cultural production, the inability to produce and exhibit for lack of economic resources are the face of the cultural policy of the governments of our countries. Thus the only production workers to reach is that television offers the devalued, quasi-pornographic welt and empty of content, or one to which access can spend much of their meager wages.
We marched against the mercantilist treatment of artistic works. The theater was not born as an object of barter, but as an expressive form of body, speech and thought in direct contact with the viewer.
consider it a right for all access and appropriation of symbolic capital that represents the enjoyment and production of a work of art.

The clearest example of treatment that is given from the state to the theater is the organizational form of the festivals organized by the Instituto Nacional del Teatro (Argentina). What appears in principle a form of promotion of theatrical expression quickly shows its true face when it becomes a competition between casts and works for the coveted prize to be represented. We are for the conversion of these festivals is a real network of exhibit of all the works presented, with free admission, and financial and material support of the Institute to the casts.

Our production methods and intentions to do theater run parallel to the existence of exhibition rooms or areas that have the support of the Institute for maintenance and improvement. We believe that all rooms in which showcases independent theater should be supported financially, must remain open and should encourage its existence as a right of every community. Our findings

The days leading up to the central sample, which presented works in neighborhood cultural centers, popular assemblies, student, etc ... as well as Central shows itself, show that our debates are not capricious or we move individual or corporate interests. More than 25 ensembles and works have involved the Felco, each presentation attended by 50 people on average. It has been classical theater, experimental, one-person, group, musical, copyright and collective creations. Because art is a right, because the theater is our space, because we are workers and because we believe in building our demands collective vote for continuity of Felco Theater in a second edition to be held in April 2009.

Approved by a majority in the Assembly, Buenos Aires, November 30, 2009