Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sore Gums After Teeth Extraction


2 º Encuentro theater FELCO 2009

The Festival of Latin American Working Class (FELCO) calls for theater artists (Actors, cooperatives, groups, actors, actresses, set designers, directors, writers, technicians) and students of theater to attend the meeting to be held on 9, 10, 11 and April 12 in Vicente Lopez (Buenos Aires Province). The FELCO, born in 2004, has six international editions conducted in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Chile, and this is the second meeting of theater artists. Before a cultural event is a meeting in which the filmmakers show their work and discuss with peers the political situation in their countries and the world, the place of art as a tool to assist in the struggles of the exploited and the organization artists for their demands.

An explosive context
In the town of Vicente Lopez, culture is being crossed by the intentions of Mayor Garcia, the same is he who comes down all your ideas of censorship and stagnation of projects. You are prohibited to have events in public spaces, you want to take the river if you propose a meeting (where they express that lack of security for all who come, but if they are 5 patrol in order to get you out by force) prohibit cultural festivals that they did not authorize, all immersed in one of the largest bureaucracies is the suburbs. In this context we declare ourselves free, as our intention is to be functional to the people, open channels of communication, both socially and at work, so that the culture is in the hands of those who work and evolve and not in the drawer of a secretary.

Our place as artists
Our business as theater, not being spun off from social reality, is not exempt from the problems besetting to all the inhabitants of mundo.Así as we defend the political independence of the working class is essential to strive for art that should not be a luxury for wealthy collectors or a small sector of the population. The theater is restricted in its movement by the trend towards product commercialization for-profit management of the exhibition spaces and dissemination. The theater building supports the arbitrary distribution of funds and has been artistic schools to a state of financial strangulation, impairment of securities debacle curriculum and building industry hollowing. In this context we propose to all the artists and drama students struggle against the process privatization of culture, for the democratization of media spaces for the defense of artistic education and cultural institutions independent. Invited to discuss, debate and bridge the gap between the formidable theatrical production and the public of the working class.

a) may participate with works of any genre and format. Presenting the project folder (members, photographs, synopsis, DVD, contact, etc.)
b) The FELCO is a collective: it invites artists residing in Buenos Aires to appoint a representative in the organization of the meeting.
c) Registration open until March 31 inclusive.
d) It extends invitation to independent theaters. Contact and registration: Trillados@gmail.com 4761 - 2358 / / 15-4157-4324 / /
4711-6816 Organizing Committee - FELCO theater - Trillo ...... Buenos Aires
www.trillados-theater . blogspot.com
www.youtube.com / beaten www.fotolog.com / beaten