Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Should I Dress In Vegas

"Continuity of Parks" Julio Cortázar.

I do not know if it's illegal or not, now all the fuss and debate on the subject. But really I say, I see no crime in doing what I do (though some may want to consider crime). For those who have not read, and read it now, nor will be. I do not make anything more than read, and you'll know what I'm talking about

"H nce started reading the novel a few days. The urgent business left, opened it again when returning by train to the farm, were kept interested by the plot slowly, by drawing the characters. That evening, after writing a letter to his attorney and discuss with the butler a matter of sharecropping returned to the book in the quiet of his study which looked into the park of oak trees. Sprawled in his favorite chair with his back to the door that had bothered him as an irritating intrusion possible, let your left hand again and again caress the velvet green and began to read the last chapters. His memory retained without effort the names and pictures of the characters, the fictional illusion him almost immediately. Enjoyed the almost perverse pleasure of going line by line ripping his surroundings, and feel the time your head resting comfortably in the high-backed velvet, that cigarettes were at hand, that beyond windows of the evening air dancing under the oaks. Word by word, absorbed by the sordid dilemma of the hero, letting go the images were arranged and took on color and movement, he witnessed the last meeting in the mountain cabin. The woman arrived first, apprehensive; now the lover came, his face cut by the backlash of a branch. Crackled admirably it blood with her kisses, but he rebuffed her caresses, he had not come to repeat the ceremonies of a secret passion, protected by a world of dry leaves and furtive paths. The dagger warmed to his chest, and underneath liberty pounded squat. Panting dialogue raced down the pages like a rivulet of snakes, and felt that everything was decided from eternity. To those caresses entangling lover's body as if to keep him and dissuade him, sketched abominably the figure of another body that was necessary to destroy. Nothing had been forgotten: alibis, unforeseen hazards, possible mistakes. Since that time each instant had its use carefully allocated. Merciless review twice interrupted only for a hand caressing his cheek. Began to get dark.
But look now, rigidly fixed to the task which awaited them, they separated at the cabin door. She was to follow the path that led north. From the opposite way he became a moment to watch her run with her hair down. He ran in turn, crouching in the trees and hedges, to distinguish in the fog of dusk the mall leading to the house. Dogs should not bark and no bark. The steward would not be at that hour, and was not. He went up the three porch steps and entered. From the blood in his ears galloping came the woman's words, first a blue room, then a gallery, a carpeted stairway. At the top, two doors. No one in the first room, no one in the second. The door of the room, and then the dagger in his hand. In light of the windows, the high back of a chair green velvet, the head of man in the chair reading a novel. "

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unique Place Seating Ideas

The return of the atoms. Literary Magazine

... I was still very young and, like all those distant memories, I remember like it was a dream.
In the longer 2 unrecognizable chain issued a program that, to be honest, I can not say what it was.
does not matter. I do remember, as if he had penetrated the depths of the mind to stay comfortable there was a time which, with cartoons, came the horrors that could lead to the atomic-nuclear energy. I was still very young when I discovered, so children, the horrors that are now becoming to fear.

Now with Japan, Saramago's words refer.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Can I Use Expired Chicken Broth

The Communist Manifesto

Re-release of THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO play based on the homonym text of Marx and Engels.
Sunday April 24, 2011, 18 am sharp in Yatay 334, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Features
May and June.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Remove Purple Pvc Primer From Floo

Eclipse on the radio.

Some members of the college literary magazine Eclipse have been with Mary Sisamón and Arteficieros group (very nice of them of course) in one of their great programs.
If you have lost you, you can consult it at the post on his podcast at:

And where to find the station:
http://www.teafm .net/1.html

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where Can I Find Parts For A Nightprowler Sa

"This Thursday, Poetry

"Tomorrow, we have as usual, once a month, a date with the poetry of the hand of" This Thursday, Poetry. "
back to their normal location, the boardroom of Philosophy and Letters campus, and with this program:
· Thursday March 10, 2011
Moderators: Elia Garcia and Olga
Ainhoa \u200b\u200bBernad
Corral has a degree in Hispanic Studies from the University of Zaragoza. He has published poems perplexed Pats (Collection of Poetry Siltolá, 2009) and the novel Andábata (Parentheses Publishing, 2010). His next book of poems, armed Nostalgia appear in 2011. In the network, maintains Pats blog perplexed.
Alberto Santamaría (Torrelavega, 1976): author of the following books of poetry, The World Order (Renaissance, 2003), The Man Who left the cake (DVD, 2004), Notes of Summer Winter fiction (Visor, 2005) and Small circles (DVD, 2009). He has also published essays and the poem poisoned (Pre-Textos, 2008).
* At the end of each session, at 22.30 h, evening poetry at Candy Warhol (Bologna, 28).

Date 10/03/2011 Location Board Room of the Faculty of Arts San Francisco Campus

(C / Pedro Cerbuna, 12) Zaragoza
Time 19:30 Cultural Activities Organised by the University of Zaragoza
collaborates Antigone and Candy Warhol Library Free Admission
One interesting quote for those interested in poetry and culture.
I remember that morning as well as an alternative presentation of the poems is 60 grams of Sergio Gomez
(Entrance on the display ---> -poems-60-grams-of-sergio-gomez / ) "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Make A Snowboard Rail Blueprints

thousand and two nights. I cycle

now understands that night.
that night, and
thousand and one other.
were mirages in the final analysis,

reflected in a desire that made them so real, but now understands that night
that night, and
thousand and one other.
were echoes in the final analysis, perhaps

words reverberated in the ears of a deaf
that was missing a pair of eyes

to dare, but
now understands that night.
that night, and
thousand and one other. The flavors were
After all,
a bad taste in mouth, smoke
as snuff,
like the smell of the drink he had just before she

and left him hypnotized
but now understands that night.
that night, and
thousand and one other.
games were after all,
vague and childish. She
, leaving
search without ever being achieved.
ceaselessly pursue this spring that does not lead, but
now understands that night.
that night, and
thousand and one other.
are memories, after all you do watch

the reflection in the moon, its light

false stolen from the brother, but now understands that night
Because there was such a night
or the thousand and one other.

How To Master Batting

Film Literary Magazine AI2 Aragon Eclipse. Cavalo Morto

{...} The next day 2 March begins at the CPS I Film Series AI2 Aragon. Organized by the association, over several weeks, will be screened several films related to the world of computing and society. {...}