to artists, intellectuals, social and union organizations:
On Sunday April 26 DOCA (Documentary Argentina) in conjunction with Film Freedom Park Open organize a Festival for the freedom of Elena Varela and all Mapuche political prisoners in Chile. Documentary filmmaker Elena Varela
and Chilean songwriter, is accused of terrorism by filming a documentary about the struggles of the Mapuche in Southern Chile. Was indicted by a prosecutor antimapuche false evidence in a judicial assembly which was acknowledged even by the OAS, which has been denounced in several international human rights forums. His violent detention included months in solitary confinement in maximum security prisons and seizures of more than one hundred hours of footage to be used by the intelligence services in order to continue pursuing the Mapuche people. It is noteworthy the documentary filming Newen Mapuche Elena was the product of an award that gave the same Chilean state through the state agency that promotes film, CORFO.
The festival will be at 17 am on Figueroa Alcorta y Tagle esplanade channel 7 mtrs. Chilean embassy in Argentina and will be broadcast live on Channel 4 Antenna black.
musicians and artists will be presented popular, there will be activities for children, buffet at reasonable prices and projecting materials Elena Varela and the Mapuche people's struggle against the real ethnocide being committed by the Chilean state to serve the multinational energy Today, wood and usurp their ancestral lands.
To submit accessions festivalporlalibertad@gmail.com
More information:
Videos of earlier action by Elena in Argentina: http:/
/ www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AkACrvEeD4
Trailer Newen Mapuche
http://www.youtube.com/watch ? v = 0vf2BJO5tgg
On Sunday April 26 DOCA (Documentary Argentina) in conjunction with Film Freedom Park Open organize a Festival for the freedom of Elena Varela and all Mapuche political prisoners in Chile. Documentary filmmaker Elena Varela
and Chilean songwriter, is accused of terrorism by filming a documentary about the struggles of the Mapuche in Southern Chile. Was indicted by a prosecutor antimapuche false evidence in a judicial assembly which was acknowledged even by the OAS, which has been denounced in several international human rights forums. His violent detention included months in solitary confinement in maximum security prisons and seizures of more than one hundred hours of footage to be used by the intelligence services in order to continue pursuing the Mapuche people. It is noteworthy the documentary filming Newen Mapuche Elena was the product of an award that gave the same Chilean state through the state agency that promotes film, CORFO.
The festival will be at 17 am on Figueroa Alcorta y Tagle esplanade channel 7 mtrs. Chilean embassy in Argentina and will be broadcast live on Channel 4 Antenna black.
musicians and artists will be presented popular, there will be activities for children, buffet at reasonable prices and projecting materials Elena Varela and the Mapuche people's struggle against the real ethnocide being committed by the Chilean state to serve the multinational energy Today, wood and usurp their ancestral lands.
To submit accessions festivalporlalibertad@gmail.com
More information:
Videos of earlier action by Elena in Argentina: http:/
/ www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AkACrvEeD4
Trailer Newen Mapuche
http://www.youtube.com/watch ? v = 0vf2BJO5tgg
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