Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why Would You Take Lorazepam

Mantle Church of the Virgin (park Bogoslovka)

Parque Bogoslovka en los alrededores de San Petersburgo Bogoslovka Park

Not far from St. Petersburg (half hour drive) on the banks of Neva river Bogoslovka is the park where a monument is very interesting traditional Russian wooden ARCHITECTURE. However, few people even the inhabitants of St. Petersburg, still unknown. This is the exact replica of the church of Our Lady's Mantle (in Russian - Pokrova Presvyatoy Bogoroditsi) which was built in 1708 in the village in the region Anjimovo Vologda and perished in a fire in 1963. The original is reprodicido not only outside but inside as well. The reconstruction project was undertaken with the help of a wealthy private sponsor. The church is open for worship.

Iglesia del Manto de la Virgen en Bogoslovka (arquitectura de madera tradicional rusa) Mantle Church of the Virgin

La capilla de madera tradicional rusa The chapel of San Salvador icon painted on birch bark

is planned to be in future the church around a real park entográfico Russian (traditional log houses, a fort, a chapel, a mill, a farm and also a typical restaurant Russian and a hotel).

Parque Bogoslovka, arquitectura de madera tradicional rusa

El campanario de madera en el parque Bogoslovka (San Petersburgo) The bell

Getting there: from the metro station "Lomonosovskaya" 476 to the bus stop "lesopark Nevsky."

La parada de autobus

Bogoslovka The Web


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