Friday, September 18, 2009

Pink Colored Cervical Mucus

Malachite Room in the Winter Palace in September

One of the most impressive rooms of the Winter Palace, residence of Russian tsars (now the main building of the Hermitage) is the gorgeous Malachite Room, designed by architect Alejandro Briullov. The intense malachite green tint that covers the columns, pillars, fireplaces, tables, combined with white artificial marble walls, rich luster of gold and red of the upholstery of the furniture at once attract the attention of visitors and produce an unforgettable impression.

The history of this very special room is following: the Italian architect Rastrelli who built the Winter Palace for the Russian Empress Elizabeth destined for this part of the building to a grand and solemn Throne Hall. However, his project was not done. Isabel died in 1761 before seeing the works were finished, and the first true owner of the Winter Palace Catherine II (Catherine the Great) ordered to make the space reserved for the throne room in private quarters.

From the late eighteenth century Russian empresses lived here. The first was Alexander's wife Elizabeth (Princess of Baden), after the wife of Czar Nicholas I Alejandra (the daughter of King of Prussia). In 1830 the French architect Auguste Montferrand created here for the Empress Alexandra Hall Jasper luxurious decorated with jasper columns of gray (porphyry) from Altai. This room served as a "border area" between the halls and private rooms of the Empress. It is curious that even then were here some decorative objects made of malachite, for example the giant vase of malachite under the golden canopy that was preserved until today.

the elegant ballroom of Jasper de Montferrand died during the catastrophic fire that suffered the Winter Palace in 1837, escaped the fire only individual items. Reconstruction of the private apartments after the fire was entrusted to architect Alejandro Briullov (1798-1877), brother of the famous painter Carlos Briullov (author of the painting "The Last Day of Pompeii" is now in the Russian Museum). Briullov plazma in life was to new concepts of beauty and comfort and respect the will of Nicholas I see the room from his wife decorated with malachite. For the coating of pilasters, columns, fireplaces 2200 kilos were used malachite "best quality" given away to the emperor by the wealthy Demidov Russian businessman, owner of the quarries of malachite discovered in the 1830 in the Urals.

surfaces of columns, pilasters and other objects This room is decorated with malachite using a special technique called "Russian Mosaic" malachite finite plates stuck to the limestone base covered with special mastic, the space between the pieces filled with powdered malachite and work was polished. Joining the small piece of malachite artisans trying to get a picture similar to the natural grain of the stone. The bases and capitals of the columns were made of gilded bronze.

Allegory of Poetry (Antonio Vigi)

artificial marble wall painting again that existed here before the fire. Although author (Italian painter Antonio Vigi) already had at that time 74 years, he could repeat three female fugure decorated this room before. The plant is the allegory of Poetry (a copy of Raphael's Vatican medallion), two side symbolize Day and Night. Returned to their place objects Jasper Hall saved during the fire, furniture made in the workshop Gambs, large vase of malachite.

Sala de Malaquita en el Ermitage
Malachite Room. Watercolor K. Ujtomsky, 1865

Contemporaries were amazed by the rebirth of this room in his new capacity. "The rich Siberia by replacing its jasper malachite and gold" - Witnesses said the opening of the Malachite Hall that also sometimes called the Golden Hall for the great amount of gold used. If the old Board of Jasper still had features of classical architecture, the new Board of Malachite proclaims and interest to the eclectic new trend in Russian architecture.

floor í a small frame of the Malachite Room

Malachite Room in the often passed the music concerts to the narrow circle of people close to the imperial family . Here sang opera singers (the famous tenor Giovanni Battista Rubini, the master of bel canto Antonio Tamburini, Polina unsurpassed Viardot Garcia et al.) In 1842 he gave a concert here the famous Hungarian composer Ferenz List. In this room also took place the official presentation of the ladies of the Empress. In 1894 in the Malachite Room of the Princess Alix of Hesse (last emperartiz Russian Alejandra) is dressed for her wedding to Tsar Nicholas II. The first years of their married life the imperial couple had breakfast here on holidays.

During the First World War gathered in this hall charity committees headed by the Tsar's daughters who helped the families of soldiers killed and wounded in the war.

After the February Revolution of 1917 and the abdication of Nicholas II in the Malachite Hall met members of the Provisional Government. On October 25, 1917 in the next room (the last tsar White Dining) ministers of this government were arrested by revolutionaries inspired by Lenin who stormed the Winter Palace.

After this revolution (the Great October Socialist Revolution), the palace became a museum. Now in the Malachite Room presents a part of the collection of objects of malachite from the Hermitage, the richest in the world, which consists of about 200 pieces.

Its main attraction is Tripod round the glass in the form of semi-figurative bronze winged feminine gold made in the early nineteenth century in the manufacture of carving Peterhof. They draw attention to numerous vases, tables, chests, pisapapales and decorative figurines made of this fragile mineral у expensive so valued in Russia.

Excursions and tours in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg city tours, museums, palaces and suburbs.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Swollen Elbow, Fell On It

Fiesta Morena.

Fiesta Morena. To raise funds for the production of "Cronopios, expectations, reputations." Our new work. Saturday 10/10/2009 from 20 am to 2 pm. Tragos, petiscos, sketches, music and dance competition. Consultations

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Marilyn Monroe Showers

NEW WORKSHOPS! - Start: Week of September 28


Conducted by: Carlos Acosta

HOURS: Wednesday from 6 to 9 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 12 m.
DURATION: 3 months (24 sessions)
COST: 150 soles a month
HOME: Saturday, October 3
OBJECTIVE: Further aspects of theatrical performance.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to act in a theatrical

PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP Conducted by: Guillermo Castrillón

HOURS: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 4 to 6.30 pm
DURATION: 1 month (12 sessions)
COST: 200 soles
HOME: Tuesday, October 13
DESCRIPTION This workshop is designed as a laboratory to provide an approach and a greater understanding of performance art, or art in action. Wanted experience through improvisation, creation, induction, management, motivation and the concept on the basis of individual and group action to propose each participant.
OBJECTIVE: To understand this process in action when is transformed into art and how each becomes a creative artist through his own speech

WRITING THEATRE-Levels 1 and 2
Conducted by: Claudia Sacha

HOURS: Saturdays from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm
DURATION: 3 months (12 sessions)
COST: 100 soles a month
HOME: Saturday, October 3
AIMED AT: Over 18 years, interested in entering the field of dramatic writing
aim of providing the necessary tools to theoretical and practical level, to create a theatrical text. Write a short play

Conducted by: Gonzalo Rodríguez Risco

HOURS: Tuesday 7-10 pm
DURATION: 3 months (12 sessions)
COST: 120 soles a month
HOME: Tuesday, October 6
OBJECTIVE: Write a play by an act

Conducted by: Claudia Sacha

HOURS: Saturday 4-6 pm
DURATION: 3 months (12 sessions)
COST: 100 soles a month
HOME: Saturday, October 3
AIMED AT: Over 18 years, cultural management issues concerned
OBJECTIVE: To have basic knowledge needed to develop cultural projects, which can be presented in accordance to the standards of international cooperation. Have the tools to plan a cultural project in the private or individual.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Does Mottled Skin Indicate

around St. Petersburg

Otono en los alrededores de San Petersburgo Oto ñ or around St. Petersburg. Early September.

In St. Petersburg and its environs begins oto ñ o Leaves the trees turn yellow and red and start to fall. Almost every day it rains, the sky is often gray, but the air temperature is still quite comfortable (at about +17 +20 degrees).
In the fields and orchards at the harvest: this summer has been very generous with forest mushrooms and berries.

Boleto castaño encontrado en Rusia This mushroom is much appreciated in Russia is called "podosinovik" ("the mushroom that grows under aspen). The dictionary, it translates into English as "brown ticket."

The or n samplings of the "gifts of nature" is the favorite sport of the population No Russian or oto ñ o Forest berries (especially blueberries local types) are very tasty strawberries and wanted by the Russian people. The berries are used to prepare cakes and delicacies of jam, jam, compotes. Are also different sweet garden berries: raspberry, currant, gooseberry and others.

Grosella espinosa rusa ripe gooseberry (in Russian krizhovnik)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cervical Cancer Schematic Digram

Exhibition "Relics of siege of Leningrad" The Siege of Leningrad

Sitio de Leningrado (Larenkov)
Serguei Photo Larenkov

September 8 is the most tragic date in the calendar St. Petersburg. On September 8, 1941, when fascist troops cut the rail lines entering the city and occupied the surrounding territory, began the siege of Leningrad (as it was called our city during the Soviet era). This siege lasted 900 days and entered history as one of the longest and most cruel in the history of mankind.

Exposición Reliquias del sitio de Leningrado Inauguration of the exhibition "Relics of the siege of Leningrad"

It's no coincidence that just now, on the eve of the sad anniversary, when the city pays tribute to defenders of Leningrad and inhabitants of the besieged city, has taken place Solemn Inauguration of the exhibition "Relics of the site."

Los veteranos y los creadores de la exposición Reliquias del sitio de Leningrado Veterans and creators of the exhibition

In the halls of the old mansion Rumyantsev (now a branch of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg) met the veterans, journalists , workers of museums and other inhabitants of the city. Here they played music and recited poetry on the site, teaching ñ aron photos, veterans recounted their experiences of war were presented to the public the objects of the new exhibition.

Alpinista Bobrov
mountaineer M. Bobrov has been camouflaged as the buildings of the fortress of San Peter and Paul, St. Isaac's Cathedral and many other

For example, in this exhibition you can see the personal belongings of the mountaineers who climbed the domes and needles of the tallest buildings in St. Petersburg to camouflage for who did not serve as a guide for aviators bombarded enemy Diaren the city. Among them there were also women, the most famous was Olga Firsova, graduated from the Conservatory, a professional choir director, fond of mountaineering. His boots and tools are displayed in a special window. There are also toys, books, journals, written notes and other valuable evidence of life in the besieged city that were not previously exposed ever.

Primeros visitantes de exposición Reliquias del sitio de Leningrado
First visitors to the new exhibition

Here is also a very famous document, but for the first time is displayed in the original (before copies were provided). This is a small notebook that belonged to Tanya Savicheva school. In his six pages you can read only the brief notes with dates of death of relatives.

1. Genya died on December 28 at 12:00 am 1941
2. The grandmother died on 25 January at 3pm
March 1942. Leka died on March 17 at 5 am
April 1942. Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 pm 1942
5. Uncle Lesha on May 10 at 4 pm
June 1942. Mom on 13 May at 1942 am 730
7. The Savicheva died
8. All died
9. Tania was only

Diario de Tania (Tanya) Savicheva hecho duarnte el sitio de Leningrado The Diary of Tanya Savicheva

The Diary of Tanya Savicheva was introduced between the documentary evidence of the crimes of the fascists in the Nuremberg Trials.

El libro de Alexey Tolsltoy Pedro Primero Tolsltoy Alexey's book "Peter the Great" that saved his life or the parent of St. Petersburg journalist Kirill Nabutov. A sniper's bullet hit the book he was in the backpack.

Among those present at the opening of the exhibition "Relics of the site" had great success a movie made from the black and white photos taken during the siege and combined with color photos of the same places but done now. The author of these photos is Larenkov Sergei, a Russian sailor history buff of St. Petersburg and fotorgafía. His images are breathtaking. Here you can see

address Rumyantsev's Mansion: Angliyskaya Naberezhnaya (English malecon), 44. 571-75-44 Tel.

La mansión de Rumiantsev (Museo de la Historia de San Petersburgo) Rumyantsev's Mansion (Museum of the History of St. Petersburg)

be exposure to open until February 28, 2010 all d í as except Wednesday from 11.00 to 18.00.

Silverado Xd Rockstar

These images are made from the black and white photos taken during the siege of Leninrgado and combined with color photos of the same places but done now. Its author is the Russian sailor Sergei Larenkov, history buff of St. Petersburg and fotorgafía.

Now you can see these images in exhibition "Relics of the site" at the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg. A report on the inauguration can see here.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is 5.2 A Normal Level Of Blood Sugar

Ride Neva river boat

The last day of summer with a group of friends we have made a very pleasant walk by the River Neva with a nontraditional route to the islands Kamenniy, Elaguin, where normally Krestovsky not reached by tourist boats. We have seen a St. Petersburg quite different from what we usually see during the regular tours. The tour was a success if not for the heavy rain that started when we finished it. However, all were very happy with this unforgettable farewell summer.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Velveeta And Rotel Commercial Recipe

On 1 September - Knowledge Day in Russia

1 de Septiembre en Rusia On 1 September is the start of classes in all schools, colleges, institutes and universities of Russia. This day is celebrated as a great party (El Dia de los KNOWLEDGE). Students come to their schools prom dresses, girls with white ribbons on their hair, with bouquets of flowers to give to their teachers.

1 de Septiembre en Rusia solemn reunion is organized in front of the school building or the college where speeches by leaders estuiantil center, music, songs, sometimes dancing is welcomed everyone to the new school year. They are present not only students and teachers, but also parents, siblings and grandparents of children at school.

1 de Septiembre en Rusia A special attention is paid to those who first enter school. His feast is called in Russian Perviy zvonok (the first ring or bell) that announces the beginning of his long journey on the path of knowledge they. The freshmen are all kinds of gifts and greetings and welcome from teachers, parents and older students.
1 de Septiembre en Rusia The first day of studies there is usually no regular classes, only the party and organizational carat class where children are given general information about the school rules and what to expect this new academic year, are students and new teachers.

1 de Septiembre en Rusia

Your business link in Russia