Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Does Mottled Skin Indicate

around St. Petersburg

Otono en los alrededores de San Petersburgo Oto ñ or around St. Petersburg. Early September.

In St. Petersburg and its environs begins oto ñ o Leaves the trees turn yellow and red and start to fall. Almost every day it rains, the sky is often gray, but the air temperature is still quite comfortable (at about +17 +20 degrees).
In the fields and orchards at the harvest: this summer has been very generous with forest mushrooms and berries.

Boleto castaño encontrado en Rusia This mushroom is much appreciated in Russia is called "podosinovik" ("the mushroom that grows under aspen). The dictionary, it translates into English as "brown ticket."

The or n samplings of the "gifts of nature" is the favorite sport of the population No Russian or oto ñ o Forest berries (especially blueberries local types) are very tasty strawberries and wanted by the Russian people. The berries are used to prepare cakes and delicacies of jam, jam, compotes. Are also different sweet garden berries: raspberry, currant, gooseberry and others.

Grosella espinosa rusa ripe gooseberry (in Russian krizhovnik)


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