Without words.
The best love to land is probably the strict criticism of her. And I, without loving, most patriotic probably (inadvertently) the who cling fiercely to flags and chants of the past. In the final analysis, we only make this a better place, however impossible that is. I have attached to the land, but not to the nation. The nation is like the wise men, like the tooth fairy, the bogeyman, the bogeyman, finally, a mime, a scam to get a goal. In the case of children the illusion lies or fear of children to behave better (although nowadays to be good capitalists like god), in the case of the nation ... in short, that's more complex.
Feeling like you should go to this anonymous text I've seen in the electronic edition El País. Without another word I leave with their reading and each take out your opinion, which is what I want.
"I studied all my life with scholarships. That said, it seems a cliché, but no. I studied all my life with scholarships, which means, among other things, money from all taxpayers. At 14, the state began to pay me 14,000 pesetas a year as a grant for materials. I have 31, so we talked of 14,000 pesetas in 1993. From the 17 with 32,000 becaron me with so by the time I finished high school, the State had entered my own hard cash 92,000 pesetas.
I entered the University and also had scholarship, I never had to pay a single registration. At an average of, say, 75,000 pesetas per course, so do 375,000. In addition, I received a scholarship that, on average, were about 150,000 pesetas per year: 750,000 in five years. I was running in fifth, also a collaboration grant from my Department. It was supposed to learn to investigate, but all he taught me was to load trucks of paper for the photocopier, the photocopier to run and change the toner in the copier. I paid 23,000 pesetas per month, ten months. Total 1,447,000 pesetas here. About 8700 euros.
I received four different scholarships to PhD. The first one I took was from a foundation that paid me when he thought fit, I did not received payment and, besides, I got into trouble with the IRS. In any case, six months at 600 euros, 3600 euros. Shortly thereafter I received another I timaron patterns within aspects. Did not hire me, but I had to sign full-time. I worked for them under the miserable form of a grant, I taught, published in journals, research visits made ... but days of contributions, zero. 800 euros per month, 36 months, 28,800 euros in total. To this we must add three rooms at prestigious research centers abroad, to say the grant 1200 euros each. This already appears on 1, 2, 3 ... 41,100 euros of the English. Last year, finally, research fellows that we did get a contract. When you sign, you got a piece of paper where you had to sign to give up your maternity leave, if you become pregnant. Now that is political reconciliation and other stories. They gave us the first time, pay extra. He took the Treasury, but the most equal. Twelve months, fourteen paid, at 1100 euros, 15,400 euros, 56,500 in total.
Now comes the stunt. After six years working for the University, was quoted a year. Unemployment money and send resumes. 630, my mother remembers it well. During my sixteen years in the English labor market had multi-use addition to the University: tourist guide for seniors, sports translator of manuals, including professional, manufacturing, non-designer bags and beads, bending radio ads ... Let them not say I did not try in various fields.
I tried with all my strength. I clung to the land of Asturias with hands and feet. I spent a year unemployed, with a career, a masters, doctorate, four languages \u200b\u200band willing to work for it to come out ... but nothing came out. In one was too formed, in others was literally the size-up to clerk of teen clothing store, introduced myself, so I decided to emigrate. The way out of Europe is simple: I see my parents on Skype, my presence is beginning to fade from the memories of my friends - "do you still lived here when this happened?" - And pray to the point that the Lord of immigration stay with my bar of nougat Suchard and my cans of tuna in oil when I provided before Reyes, to join my classes in a great University soleadísima U.S. Pacific coast. The saddest thing is that I am happy here, although I see great sadness in the eyes of my parents.
In short, Spain has invested in me, directly, nearly ten million pesetas, as well as university education and is now taking advantage of another country, a place where I feel useful and productive member of society . The biggest problem is that my case is not unique. In my fifteen doctoral fellow, only two are working in Spain, in appalling conditions, however, in the University. Only us, only in our little corner of the room with his pigeons nested fellows in a window, the English government threw away 130,000,000. One hundred thirty million pesetas were eager to revert to the society in that for which we had formed, but we will not be possible. We work a free time, long time without a contract, many more hours than a standard working day, without health, without the right to maternity leave, no right to strike and, above all, no right to complain. Because we were privileged, the creme de la creme of the intelligentsia that was to lead Spain to levels never before seen. And that last is all right. We are the generation that will lead Spain to levels never known despair, frustration, anxiety, maternity cases, of grandparents who are going to have to learn Chinese or English to ask your grandchildren for skype-in \u200b\u200bwhat color the bike is calling on the Kings at home the grandparents and they will arrive by mail.
* This reader specifically asked not to give his name. "
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